

Monday, April 18, 2011

Homestead Blessings Giveaway--Three DVDs!!

I have told you all several times how my family has been greatly inspired by the West Ladies in the Homestead Blessing DVDs.  I've given away one of the DVDs before, but now I have three DVDs to share with you: gardening, herbs and canning.  I have learned so much about gardening, herbs and canning  from the wholesome and engaging instruction of Vicki West and her three daughters, Jasmine, CeCe and Hannah.  Their down-home personalities will have you wanting to invite them over for tea or wanting to jump into the car to head to their homestead outside of Leeper's Fork, TN for some one-on-one teaching sessions.

The gardening DVD covers making and using compost, raised bed, container and lasagna gardening as well as a nifty no-soil plan for growing potatoes.  Did you know that basil LIKES to be planted by tomatoes?  I didn't either, until the West ladies shared that little tid-bit of information with me.  What are some natural ways to deter bugs from your garden produce?  Watch this DVD and you will find out!

The herb DVD had me searching out apple mint in order to make some of that delicious tea that the West Girls made so easily.  And yes, I found some!  The West Ladies show you how to grow, preserve and cook with the herbs.  We started growing several of our own herbs after being inspired by this DVD: parsley, cilantro, oregano, sage, thyme, chives, apple mint, spearmint, peppermint and more now grace our table...straight from our own garden.  Oh, and basil...we can't forget the basil!!

The canning DVD made we want my own outdoor kitchen.  I have caught the canning bug and last year I probably canned about 100 jars of assorted jams and jellies!  I don't think I will need any this year!  I recently received a pressure canner and am looking forward to canning much of our garden produce this summer.  In fact, this afternoon a friend and I are going to start canning some of that abundance of milk we have been receiving!  I am so excited to get started!

As I said before, the West Ladies have really given us a vision as to what we could do with our little homestead and we are constantly striving to get our place in order.  I would love to have our home garden be as productive and inviting as the West Ladies.  You can tell they work hard and enjoy what they do.

If you would like to win this set of 3 DVDs please click on one of the many links in the post and watch a short clip of any of the three DVDs.  Then, leave a comment telling me which clip you watched.  That's it!

If you would like even more chances to win do one or all of the following leaving me a separate comment for each action. That gives you five chances to win!

-Become a follower of Busy Hands Busy Minds

-"Like" Busy Hands Busy Minds on Facebook (look in my side bar)

-Share this post on FB

-Write about the giveaway on your own blog

And just in case  you don't win these three Homestead Blessings DVDs or you want to see more of the West Ladies, you can get 10% off your order at the AFA Store.  Really, you get 10% off your order of any item from the AFA Store!  All you have to do is type in this coupon code at checkout:  ANITA64.  Now, ready,  get set, go!!  Deadline to register is Friday, April 22.  I will announce the winner on Monday, April 25!

Linking up today at Homestead Revival.


Lauren said...

What an awesome giveaway! I watched the clip on The Art of Canning because I'm obsessed with canning and just want to learn as much as possible! The West Ladies are so inspiring! Thanks so much for a great giveaway!

Lauren said...

Decided to follow your blog too! Thanks!

Melissa Carr said...

WOW what an awesome opportunity! I love canning, but I've really only done jam, jelly, and tomatoes! I have a lot to learn as well as in the garden and about herbs! I was excited to see that they had 7 more video's in this series...I viewed them all! I've been reading your Barn Hop posts and decided to become a follower and I also posted a link on my blog for this great giveaway!

Raye Ann said...

I watched the canning trailer. I just love the Homestead Blessings DVD's.

Raye Ann said...

I "liked" you on FB.

Raye Ann said...

I shared about this giveaway on FB.

Raye Ann said...

I am now following you.
livinginhisglory at gmail dot com

Karen said...

I would LOVE it if I got picked to win the DVD's :) Just found you and I'm so excited to be able to learn lots of new things.

chaoticlife said...

shared about this giveaway via facebook!

chaoticlife said...

liked you on facebook!!!

chaoticlife said...

watched the canning trailer, loved it!

chaoticlife said...

following your blog! ps. dont follow mine back, Im a terrible blogger and basically never post! haha

chaoticlife said...

Just watched "the art of Gardening" and now if I dont win, I may need to purchase! I loved it!

chaoticlife said...

okay, I am trying to watch the excerpt from "the art of herbs" but it wont open on my computer. bummer. I am obsessed with herbs and was really interested in it!
I will try again later for sure.

Rebekah Whyte said...

These DVDS are wonderful. I rented the canning one from the library and have been looking forward to watching the others. Thanks for the opportunity to win them.
I shared on my blog.

Rebekah Whyte said...

I liked your facebook page and look forward to reading it.

Rebekah Whyte said...

I am now following your blog. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Rebekah Whyte said...

I shared this offer on my facebook page. :)

Anonymous said...

i watched the canning one.

Anonymous said...

shared on fb Tami Lewis

Anonymous said...

i like u on fb

Anonymous said...

your follower

Anonymous said...

I tried to watch the Art of Herbs, but for some reason it wouldn't work on my computer.

Anonymous said...

I already follow your blog.

Anonymous said...

Already liked your facebook too :)

Anonymous said...

blogged it

Carolyn said...

I watched the herb dvd. I think I will try my hand a growing a few herbs this year.

Denise said...

I love this series of videos. I don't think I have seen any of these yet. :)

I have signed up to follow your blog, friended you on facebook and have posted a link. :)

Thanks for the chance to win these awesome videos.

Anonymous said...

Best Giveaway Ever! I have had my eye on this set for a long time but never seem to have the funds. I started all these three things as my new hobbies and I am a visual person so I need to see someone do it. I watched the Canning one and they make it look so much less intimadating than I make it out to be in my mind! lol

Anonymous said...

Entry #2 I liked on facebook.

Anonymous said...

Entry #3 I became a follower

Anonymous said...

Entry #3 I became a follower

Amber A said...

I became a follower!!

Amber A said...

I watched the gardening and herb videos! love these ladies

Amber A said...

I also posted a post on FB about this blog!! I am really enjoying it!

Anita said...

I'm a follower!

Anita said...

I liked you on facebook. :)

My Serenity Craft Shack said...

Oh I really love Homestead blessings! I haven't gotten any of the DVD's yet but I have watched the trailors several times and they are all on my want list! :)

My Serenity Craft Shack said...

Following your blog

My Serenity Craft Shack said...

"Liked" you on Face book!

Salena Morgan said...

I tried to watch the excerpt from the herb DVD, but it won't load on my computer.

Salena Morgan said...

I already "like" you on Facebook.

Salena Morgan said...

Shared on Facebook

Emily Borkenhagen said...

I *wanted* to watch the gardening one because I can't get anything to grow (!), but I couldn't get the link to work. It just showed the player but wouldn't work. I tried on 2 different computers! Boo. Does that count? lol.

Emily Borkenhagen said...

Awesome! I didn't even know your blog was on fb (besides the links you post!) I like you. :)
Even without the giveaway. :)

Emily Borkenhagen said...

Sharing on fb!!
And I forgot to mention in my first comment that I've watched clips from this series before....canning maybe? Awesome!

Jamie said...

I am a follower,now.I have been reading your blog but didn't know that I hadn't joined.

Jamie said...

I watched the one on canning,I have only canned Applesauce but there is soooo much more to can.

April's Homemaking said...

None of the video clips would open on my computer, so I went to youtube, and watched the clip from the Homestead Blessings canning dvd- this would be so fun to learn, I haven't done any canning yet, and want to try some this year. Their outdoor kitchen would be amazing!! Great giveaway. Thanks- April

Kimberly said...

How great! I loved the herb one!

Cynthia said...

Liked you on facebook. Found you through Prudent P.

Beverly said...

I would love to win these! I watched the canning! :)

Beverly said...

I also " liked" you on facebook, I am now following your blog, and I shared the link on facebook! Yay! I want to win!

Jeanette said...

I tried to watch all three trailers. Not working this morning for some reason. I have watched all three before on Vision Forum though.

Jeanette said...

I am also sharing on FB. I already am a fan. I would love having these!

Mrs. Stam said...

I have been wanting to watch some of those videos for a while now!!! this is a lovely giveaway

Mrs. Stam said...

I am a follower :-)

jennifer taylor said...

I would love to win these. I have been asking for them for my birthday, Christmas, Mother's day you name it LOL

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway!!! Watched the clip on canning. I really want to learn how to do this!

Anonymous said...

Liked you on facebook

Anonymous said...

Following your blog!

Lynn said...

This sounds like a neat, inspiring series. We have become enamored with gardening over the last few years, and have been freezing and drying and canning away :) It is grand fun, in the middle of winter, to look down at our dinner plates and count up three or four of our homegrown ingredients in there. And in summer, we can get up to 10 or 12 homegrown ingredients per dinner. Such fun! Anyway, it seems like you have a wonderful blog here. I'm going to go poke around :)

Blessed Homemaking said...

I watched the gardening and herbs videos. Thanks for the giveaways!

Blessed Homemaking said...

I am now following your blog.

Blessed Homemaking said...

I liked you on FB.

Blessed Homemaking said...

I shared on FB

Blessed Homemaking said...

I posted about it on my blog

Dusty (To the Moon and Back) said...

I tried to watch the gardening video but it wouldn't play! I would love to own some of these videos, I have been eyeballing them for quite some time. We have planted a garden the last two years, but could definitely use some tips and more knowledge! I have wanted to try canning as well, but don't know anyone to teach me!

Dusty (To the Moon and Back) said...

I am now a follower of your blog!

Dusty (To the Moon and Back) said...

I "like' you on facebook now! Dusty Shell

Dusty (To the Moon and Back) said...

I shared the link of facebook! Dusty Shell

Julie said...

I am a follower of your blog and I liked you on facebook. Would love to win these videos.

Unknown said...

I like how they talk about container gardening for those of us with a rural heart but stuck in the city:)

faithonfyre at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I'm your newest follower:)

faithonfyre at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I "like" you on facebook:)
faithonfyre at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Advertised on fb for your giveaway:)
faithonfyre at yahoo dot com

Bonnie said...

I shared on facebook

Bonnie said...

Left comment on facebook about this giveaway

Bonnie said...

DO not have a blog post!--

I watched all video post---I loved them all and could really get good use out of all of them.

Bonnie said...

I am new to your blog-but love it already!

Unknown said...

Discover your lovely blog and be happy to be a follower.
Blessings from France

Elisabeth said...

For some reason I was not able to watch any of the clips - it just loaded a blank page each time I tried.

I am especially interested in the gardening dvd- this is the first year I'm attempting anything gardening and I'm a little scared and nervous; I would love all the help I can get!

email: elisabeth(underscore)goertzen(at)live(dot)ca

Chelsea W said...

I too was unable to watch any clips...just a blank screen as well. But, i really want to know more about canning! The whole process just fascinates me.

Hannah grace said...

What a great giveaway! I watched the clip on The Art of Canning.

Hannah grace said...

i follow your blog!

Kate said...

Great giveaway! I'd love to win these. Now, for some reason I can't get the videos to play, but I did recently watch a clip of them showing how to do lazagna gardening. I took what I learned from that video and used it in my new strawberry patch!
seamstresslady at yahoo dot com

Kate said...

I follow your blog now! :)
seamstresslady at yahoo dot com

Kate said...

I like you on facebook, Kateri S.
seamstresslady at yahoo dot com

Kate said...

Shared on facebook! Kateri S.
seamstresslady at yahoo dot com

Kate said...

Blogged here:
seamstresslady at yahoo dot com

trailblazer said...

I watched the clip from The Art of Gardening about lasagna gardening.

trailblazer said...

I liked this on FB. But I can't find the share button to share this post on my FB.

trailblazer said...

I shared you now on FB.

trailblazer said...

I am now following your blog, too.

Holly said...

I watched the art of canning! With 6 children ages 8 and under (and blessing #7 due in December!) I was always just lazy and froze our garden bounty. This year I NEED to can, so I would LOVE to win these and learn more then my basics!

Holly said...

I follow you on GFC!


Holly said...

I "like" you on Facebook!

Liz said...

I watched the clip on the art of canning! Thank you for this giveaway!

Liz said...

I "like" your site on facebook.

Lori said...

Ok... no fair. I'm already a follower of your blog! But I do love that you do all these giveaways. I really do like blogging. Want to do it. Maybe after the election??

Florida said...

I'm following your blog now. I saw your contest on Prudent Pantry. I'm so glad I found your blog!

Florida said...

I liked your blog on Facebook! Thank you for the contest. I'm looking forward to reading and catching up on your entries. I have you set up to get RSS feeds. :)

Florida said...

I posted about your blog on FB and I already referred a new follower. They already have the DVDs but were excited to have found the blog-as I am!

Anastasia said...

I watched the Art of Gardening excerpt

ecoblogz at gmail dot com

Anastasia said...

I follow your blog

ecoblogz at gmail dot com

Rebecca said...

I am already a follower and would love to own these~

Anonymous said...

I watched the gardening clip! Would love to win these!!!

Anonymous said...

I liked you on FB!

mom2svn said...

I tried to watch all three clips the other day...the link led me to the clips on the AFA website but none of the clips would load. Will try again. Thanks for this contest. Would love to see the videos! The first clip of interest to me was gardening. My 14 y.o. is the resident gardener and I think she would thouroughly enjoy that DVD. I would get most use out of the herbs and canning DVD's. Can't wait for the contest results! :-)

Barefooted Mama said...

would love to win! it looks awesome!

Cindy said...

I am a follower. Thank you for doing this!
Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

Cindy said...

Couldn't get the videos to I went to You-tube and watched some. Love the way the ladies make everything so easy looking. I gave birth and have homeschooled all 5 of my children...nothing has ever truly bothered me.But canning scares me...I am so afraid of poisioning my clan.I know I won't...yet it would be nice to watch real women doing this!!Thanks again.

Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

Corri said...

I watched all three videos and liked them so much I googled the series and found MORE videos to watch! Wow this is fantastic. I would be very grateful to win. Blessings to you.

Cindy said...

Anita I gave you a shout out over in my neighborhood in Blogville.

Have a great weekend.

Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

Kim said...

I'm already a follower! :)

Kim said...

I liked you on Facebook!

Kim said...

Love the West Ladies! I have 3 of their DVD's already, but none of these! Watched the trailer for gardening~love it!

Thank you for doing this giveaway!

Sue said...

I've been following your delightful blog for some time now. We have very much in common! I've been admiring the West Ladies for awhile, too, but still haven't purchased any of their videos. Maybe I'll get lucky!

Becky said...

I attempted to watch the canning video, but it wouldn't play. I sure would like to win this set!

Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said...

I watched the canning one!

Sam said...

I watched the gardening one. I would love to win this for my mother so we can start a garden together! Thank you for the chance to win these great DVDs!!

.ambre. @ LivingAsOfTheDay said...

The links weren't working for me this morning? I have watched the trailer for the gardening one before and I would love to own these! Thanks!

Mika said...

I would love these! I'm a blog follower!

Mika said...

I like you on FB!

Domestic Diva said...

I follow on gfc. Thanks for the chance!

lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

i would love this set! who can't use more green beans in the garden!

Crystal said...

Would love to have these.
Watch a clip on canning.

Crystal said...

I am following now!

Crystal said...

I liked you on fb!

Julia said...

Watched the herb trailer. I am interested in so many of these.


Jessica said...

Sooo excited! Hope I win the gardening or canning DVD!! Love!

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