

Saturday, January 10, 2009


"What are words? What do they mean? Why do songs have to have words to sing?"

So began a short tune that I composed in college for Dr. Moore's music theory class many years ago!!

Words are very important and we find their importance throughout Scripture. Adam is given the task to name all the animals, memorials were given distinct names to reflect God's mercy and provision, the many names of God describe His character. And, we are told by John that Jesus Himself is The Word.

How we use our words can have eternal effects. If I use harsh words with my children, they will in turn be harsh with each other and with their future children. If I speak with kindness and gentleness with my children, they are kinder and gentler with their words as well.

My words can encourage, edify, rebuke and instruct or they can discourage, knock down, condemn and destroy. Words are very powerful....especially those coming from a parent.

Ephesians 4 has a lot to say about our words: We should not speak lies, we should not speak in anger. We should not speak corrupt words, but only what is good and graceful. We should not speak with bitterness, wrath, anger or clamor, but speak with kindness and gentleness.

This is a high standard that all Christians are called to hold. Many times I fail to use my words carefully with those that I love the most.

Psalm 19:14 should be a prayer for each of us.

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer."


Anonymous said...

You brought up a memory! In high school I used to write Psalm 19:4 on the first page of all my school notebooks. Somehow it seemed appropriate.
~Emily Riley

Anonymous said...

*applauds* YES! I cannot tell you how many times people have been hurt or encouraged by mere words. To be able to speak and write is indeed a gift from God which we should not take lightly. We shouldn't waste words, either, nor fritter away time in "idle babble" as Paul said. Goodness knows, I've had some struggles with that in the past. Especially as a writer, words hold so much meaning and the way they fall into place and glide like water is an art God created and inspires!
God bless,
P.S. I hope you don't mind me reading up on your blog, I find it pleasant and refreshing! If my constant stream of commenting gets annoying, just ignore me!

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