Beautiful Sisters Devin and Lauren
Playing games at my mom's
Chase under Nana's Christmas tree
Lauren and Chase
Devin and Josh, my sister Tracy's son, age 21
Devin and my sister Amy
My brother Chance with a few of his nieces and nephews
My sister Amy's daughter, Emily, age 11
My dad, Roger, and Devin
Howard (my mom's husband) and Haley, age 9 (my sister Amy's daughter)
Colby (my sister Amy's son) and Chelsey (my sister Tracy's daughter) both sixteen
Devin, Aaron, Kaelan and Jackson
Jackson playing his arrangement of "Away in a Manger."
Jackson and Caedmon playing under the Christmas tree
1 comment:
Hi Mrs. Anita,
I like your new blog look! Caedmon is really cute in the last picture! Chase is growing up sooo fast! Happy 2009!
~Anna Beth~
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