Five year old boys are so special, aren't they? My five year old is full of mischief, striving to be so manly, but still needing cuddles with mom. This week he picked out a children's Valentine book at the library and Devin read it to him one afternoon. He then proceeded to make Valentines for me and Devin. He hid mine in my top drawer and asked me upon awakening the next morning if I had gotten dressed yet. Still in my pj's, I replied in the negative, but quickly found my precious boy's gift. Devin's was copied straight from the children's book and said, "Kisses for Francine". He gave that to her amid lots of giggles.
Jeff is at the Creation Museum this week working on some details with AiG so Jackson told me he would sleep with me last night. I told him no---he would sleep in his own bed----His reply, "Mom, I have to sleep with you 'cause you're MY woman!" Lots of chuckles, but he slept in his own bed. Before turning in, though, he whispered to me as he gave me a good night kiss "You'll always be my woman." Sigh....
This morning when I awoke (late...Jeff is gone, so we slept in) Jackson came in my room already dressed. I was impressed and asked him who told him to get dressed. He replied, "Nobody. I got dressed 'cause it's the right thing to do and you shouldn't wait until you're told to do something that needs to be done." I wish they would all act on this ALL the time!!
Last week when he was sick, he had been using the nebulizer and was putting it away. I had noticed he had been putting it away after each use lately (we generally leave it out as it is used multiple times daily). I started thinking, "Maybe he is putting it away because he isn't finishing the treatment." This time he hit his head on the cabinet door. He was crying, so I walked over to check on him and checked the nebulizer's medicine cup. Sure enough, it still had medicine in it. I told him that the Bible says that your sins will find you out and he shouldn't try to deceive his mother by hiding the fact that his treatment wasn't finished. His crying only got louder and he said, "But Mom, you know I can't read!" Obviously he shouldn't be required to know this fact because I haven't taught him to read yet.
I recently told Jeff that I need a portable recorder so I can keep track of all the things that Jackson says. A lot of his profound sayings come when we are traveling. I try to remember exactly what he said, but I have a hard time keeping up with it in my 45 year old brain and I can't write it down because I am driving. I don't have a cell phone or iPod, so need to find something to have with me at all times so I can repeat his sayings immediately. Any suggestions?
Relishing this time with Jackson and the rest.....
(add-on here!) My mom read my post while on the phone with me and let me know of a couple of typos.....I think she needs to proofread for me every day! Thanks, Mom!!!